Chautauqua Historic District

Historic District Homes

Established as one of Norman’s three historic districts in 1995, Chautauqua Historict District is made up of about 153 residential homes and is situated between Symmes Street on the north, Brook Street on the south, Chautauua Avenue on the east, and Lahoma Avenue on the west. The district covers about six blocks and is home to so many different architectural styles, which I love.

Most of these homes were built between 1915 and 1935 with a majority of them being constructed in the 1920’s. The different types of architecture represented in this disctrict really speaks to the history of the city. In fact, many of the homes were built by deans and university faculty because the university was really taking off during this time as well. There’s a lot of character and details in these homes.

One thing that is really distinct about this neighborhood is all the big trees, which is not common for this part of Oklahoma. However, the first president of the university planted hundreds and hundreds of trees to help bring some life to the university campus and the surrounding districts like Chautauqua district. It’s really great because the whole neighborhood has this really collegiate feel that you get, like with some of the East Coast schools.

Home Prices & Amenities

A Stone's Throw from Campus Corner

How much would it actually cost you to live in this district? Well, on the lower end, you’re probably looking at around $200,000 and some of these Chautauqua district homes are listed all the way up to $700,000. There are mostly single family residences here, although there are some luxury condos.

Campus Corner is really easy to get to from Chautauqua district and is withing walking distance. The Fred Jones Jr Museum of Art is nearby as well, and then of course, you have OU Campus. Even if you don’t go to school there or work there, it’s still fun to walk around – like having a park in your back yard! It would be perfect if you like to take walks or go jogging. One of the more popular town grocery stores, Sprouts, is near this district as well, so if you’d prefer a meal from home or need to make a quick grocery run, that’s pretty convenient.

Some of the places you can visit at Campus Corner are Othello’s Italian, The Baked Bear, Fuzzy’s Taco Shop, and Hideaway Pizza. We’d also recommend visiting Lion’s Park, which is just a short walk from the district. It’s a great little place where we like to meet up with friends and have lunch or walk on the trails.